There are a million and one under appreciated things in the world. Stuff that constantly demands attention, but we never give it a second thought. As humans we tend to take things for granted and forget to thank the small things in life. Well no more (or mostly no more). I want to start out by thanking something that plays a really important role in most of our lives.... coffee.
Dear coffee,
I just want to thank you so much for everything that you do. You are a constant friend in my whirlwind of a life. Ever night I can go to sleep peacefully knowing that you will be there for me when I wake up. You don't even mind that my bed head or the fact that I'm so disoriented. In fact, instead of laughing at me, you act like a great friend and give me the energy that I need to take on the rest of my day. I mean seriously you're the bestest friend I could ask for. If I'm feeling a little spacey, all I need is one sip and I am ready to tackle on anything the world throws my way. Also it's amazing how we have this connection, it's like I don't even need words to describe my mood to you, you just understand how I"m feeling. If I'm tired you're there, if I'm sad you're there, if I'm happy you're there. Woah you kinda sound like a stalker. I'm just teasing!
Now that I got all of the technical thank yous out of the way, let's talk more about you. You are wonderfully fantastic. I may be a little biased because of your looks but hey! you are pretty damn sexy. I get the chills just thinking about how you are the perfect blend of amazing and awesomeness in one mouthwatering cup. Don't even get me started on your luscious aroma. If I had a nickel for every time I smelled something as alluring as you I'd have exactly one nickel. You are the most amazing thing that has ever entered my life. If anything I can say you fill the empty void in my heart that only high quality, delectable caffeine can fill. Also it's kinda cute how you are so willing to change. I mean people use you all the time to make romantic gestures and you don't even utter a single complaint. Instead you help them by making your frothy foam even more malleable. And it just makes you all the more amazing.
So I guess thanks again for being so wonderful all the time. I would say you work hard at your job, but we all know you're just naturally talented.
“Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better.”
― Justina Chen, North of Beautiful
(You should all totally read this book)
You're the bestest,
Yasha The Magnificent
Also in the process of writing this letter I've learned a lot more about coffee than I originally bargained for. Did you know that there are over 800 flavor characteristics for coffee. That is more than double the amount for wine! In Turkey, coffee used to be grounds for divorce (so lady's I guess you're out of luck if your husband forgets to give you coffee).
This is what Hawaiian grown coffee looks like. Also Hawaii is the only state that commercially grows coffee.
And coffee is actually a fruit! The beans are just the pit of the berry.
There are two different kinds of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is more popular around the world (70% of the coffee drank on Earth is Arabica) but Robusta beans have almost twice as much caffeine!
Coffee is also currently holds the title as #2 most traded commodity on Earth. The only thing that exceeds it is oil. Out of beverages it is amongst the most popular. The only other competition it has is water!
Yeah so coffee is pretty awesome! But so is a bunch of other stuff that we take for granted. I'll be writing more thank you letter over the next month, so if there is something you would like me to thank, comment it below :) As always
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