Sunday, March 30, 2014

A vaguely exciting journey

     There she was, panting behind the building. Silently praying that no one had spotted her when she was running away. Doomsday had finally arrived, there was not a single place that was not infested by zombies. The survivors were few. The smart ones even fewer. Ezmeralda had found her zombie squad in an unlikely team. There was the swashbuckler, Ptcharko Sanssini, the drunkard Ivan Pickupdropofi, and the scientist Aieglez. It was by pure happenstance that these three met up at an island in the vague north. While none of them remember the exact details of how they got there, they quickly banded together against the zombies. Even though they were practically strangers, the imminent threat of a full blown zombie apocalypse helped solidify their friendship. In the few months that they knew each other their friendship morphed drastically. They went from just tolerating each other to eating each meal together and telling each other all of their darkest secrets.

      The group quickly learned that Ezmeralda was a descendant to the throne. However a slight accident had caused her to abdicate her rights to the thrown. She was forever burdened with the knowledge that she would never be able to fulfill her destiny as Queen of a kingdom in the vague East. This thought plagued her heart and before she knew it she was filled with hatred; the thoughts of revenge constantly swirled around her head. However she was able to use her emotions to her advantage. Every shot she ever fired was filled with her resentment towards her situation. She wanted to come out of the apocalypse as the queen. It was the only thing driving her to survive.

     Ptcharko Sanssini was a strange lad. He was son of Pudge Inc's trade prince Snarko. He considered himself to be a vaguely savvy swashbuckler, however his intelligence didn't quiet seem to match his "reputation." Ptcharko was constantly made fun of by his crewmembers and even some members of his family. However he knew he was in the vague north in order to secure a trade deal for his father. The though of being here excited him because it was the first real assignment his father had tasked him with and it seemed to be easy enough. However for the impeding zombie apocalypse he was more of an enemy than an ally. His apparent stupidity caused him to get into sticky situations, the only reason the group was willing to deal with him was despite him being an idiot, he was a great friend who had a heart of gold.

     Ivan Pickupdropofi was a vaguely Russian drunkard. He wasn't the brightest crayon in the box, but he wasn't completely incompetent either. He wasn't the nicest person around either, the only thing he truly cared about was his appetite, regardless of the time he was always in the mood for a swig of beer and maybe some nice fish. Despite being a drunkard, Ivan was a lucky fisherman and was always able to come home with a giant load. His luck was perfect for the group because they never had to worry about food with Ivan around.

     Aieglez, the scientist, was the smartest of the group. He happened to be from Randar, which was vaguely a different planet entirely, yet he could not remember much of his life. He remembered the name of the planet but that was pretty much it, he couldn't remember what he was studying or why he had departed his planet. However this curiosity caused him to be an expert scientist on Earth. He was always asking questions and he was very cautious about what was going on around him. This behavior saved the group from certain doom many a times. There were instances that the zombies would have attacked the squad if it weren't for Aieglez's quick thinking.

     So here we have it four unlikely people brought together under unlikely circumstances. While the conditions aren't the most ideal and there have been moments when they turned their backs on each other, they make a great team. While they'll deny to anyone, each of them cares about each other and they have developed a strong bond within the group. However will this newfound friendship be tested now that the zombies have been able to infiltrate the vaguely north island?


Yasha the Magnificent

*Special thanks to Mark, Paul, Eddie, and Josh for the D&D that this story is vaguely based off of

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Snowman do's and don'ts

After the whole Frozen boom you heard children all across the nation asking each other, "Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman." Obviously these children are misguided plebeians. If you're going to set out on a quest to make a snowman, you have to do it right. Here is a list of places where you can and can't make a snowman.

Can: Ice Castles

It's a palace made of ice! Of course it would be the perfect place to build a snowman. The snow would never melt because it's surrounded by ice! Plus you get a really great view whenever you are bored and the cold never bothered you anyways. 

Can't: Saunas

Contrary to popular belief a sauna is actually not the best place to build a snowman. It might be the the fact that it's indoors that makes it not ideal. Oh wait, actually I think it's because it's like 5 billion degrees inside a sauna. Like seriously what were you even thinking when you thought a sauna would be a good place to make a snowman? Let me clarify, we're making a snowman, not a puddle!

Can: Corona

SPOILER! Flynn and Rapunzel didn't really go to Arendelle for the coronation. They actually traveled that far so they could make the perfect snowman

Can't: Arendelle

If you ever want to build a snowman, Elsa will just create snow! So if you're ever sick of the weather just build a snowman and all your worries will go away! Snowmen are like the snickers of bad moods...

Can: In summer

 The hot and the cold are both so intense, put 'em together it just makes sense! Seriously, if you can give your snowman a personal flurry there is nothing stopping you from making the snowman in summer. 

Can't: Cleveland

The weather is too bipolar. You'll start building that snowman and it'll all melt. Don't even bother. Just go back inside to your room and read a blog or something. There is nothing good out there all thought of seasons is a lie. 

Forever hating this weather,
Yasha the Magnificent

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Letter to Elsa

Dear Elsa,

How are you doing? Long time no see. I hope everything is going great in Arendelle! I am still awaiting my invitation to Anna and Kristoff's wedding. Although I do recommend you waiting until next winter for the wedding. Personally I am not a huge fan of the whole "swinter." Speaking of summer in winter I just has a few things that I wanted to talk to you about because well even though the snow is awesome and I love it, I think it needs to stop.


I don't know if you are aware of this fact or not, but it is officially spring now. That means no more snow, no more cold, no more winter. This eternal winter must come to an end. I know you have a heart full of love so use that love to thaw the weather. I know you mean well, but leave the weather be. The weather was perfectly fine and you don't need to meddle with it.

Speaking of meddling weather...

Seriously, Cleveland has the most bipolar weather I've ever seen. In the past week I've seen it been sunny one second then snowing the next. I've seen it snow with the sun fully out. I've seen it reach 50 degrees and then drop to single digits within a span of a few hours. Like what even is this? Cleveland is really the Dinkleberg of weather. Seriously if you're going to complain about the heat, Cleveland. The snow, Cleveland, the fact that you're out of milk, Cleveland.

Speaking of bipolar weather... this perfectly describes the weather in the past week. And you need to stop it Elsa. Winter must go, we need the spring again. This whole coming and going act is getting old. It was cute the first week it happened but now you're just teasing us and it's just annoying. For once I'm with Anna, why couldn't you have tropical magic tropical magic that covered the Fjords in white sand and warm fire?

I personally can't wait until I have a drink in my hand and my snow up against the burning sand... I mean think about it. You can make it snow at your own will! Why don't you give us this spring and then use your magic to make this summer a little chillier than usual? I'm not saying you need to go crazy and make it snow during the summer but the weather being a little colder never bothered anyone anyways.

 Basically all I am saying is that we all love you but... I think you could take a little break with your magic. As awesome as the idea of an eternal winter is, it is not that great when you actually think about it. I mean I love dancing to "Let it Go" in the snow as much as anyone else out there, but I think it's time we let it go. Maybe start getting ready to sing "In Summer" instead?

Yours truly,

Yasha the Magnificent

Sunday, March 23, 2014

To coffee or not to coffee

You know how to coffee, but do you know how to coffee? Getting coffee is one of the strangest things ever, it could be just coffee or it could end up being JUST COFFEE! Like the way it ends up is totally unpredictable and strange and weird but it's just coffee so why should you worry, right? But then the little voice in your head screams, it could be just coffee so everything goes crazy and you start panicking. Well panic no more since I have a few, no not tips, not even tricks, but some random analogies for those of you questioning the concept of a coffee date.

1. A coffee date is like this water bottle:

Look at that water bottle. It's like any normal water bottle. Nothing special about it except that it's gray! You look at it and you are like hey it's just a water bottle but then you do a double take and then you realize it's gray, it's not your run of the mill water bottle it is a gray water bottle which changes everything as you know it! Similarly going for coffee is the same way, you first think about it and you're like it's just coffee, there's nothing strange about it but then like the gray water bottle the more you think about it the more foreign the concept gets and then you can't stop thinking about it. Like your coffee date is just a water bottle, but it's a gray water bottle so it's kinda odd. 

2. A coffee date is like a kitty:

It's so fluffy!!! It's so adorable! It's out to eat your soul!!! Wait, what? Yeah kitties, they're cute, they're nice but they also want to one day take over your soul. Not saying your coffee date is going to do this, at least you better hope not.... But the date itself is like the cat. You think the date is going to be simple and easy but at the same time the whole date is a devious scheme set by societal norms trying to make dating an adult thing. 

3.  A coffee date is like Yoshi:

He can eat practically anything and if he can't eat it he'll just spit it out. THIS IS NOT PERMISSION TO DO A SPIT TAKE ON YOUR DATE! All I'm saying is you can try out the date and if you don't like it you'll just "spit it out" and move on with your life.

4. A coffee date is like pie:
"Sometimes people are layered like that. There's something totally different underneath than what's on the surface. But sometimes, there's a third, even deeper level, and that one is the same as the top surface one. Like with pie." ~Dr. Horrible
Do you stress about pie? (the answer is no) See, no one stresses about pie. Don't think too much about your coffee date because even though it seems simple then complicated and then simple. It has a third even deeper level and it's just the same as the top simple layer. So don't worry, don't over think, just go out and enjoy yourself because even though it could be just coffee for now, it is just coffee. 

But not literally...."

Yasha the Magnificent 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The cutest cats ever!

   1."Halp I'm being eated by the marshmallows!"
2. "I gotz 10 fingers, see!"

3. "I sleeps now"

4. "I iz stuck"

5. "Battle to the death!" 

6. "Pretty please? With sugar on top?

7. "What do you mean I'm not fancy wine?"

8. "Why don't you love me???"

9. "Rawr"

10. "Y u no yummy?"

11. "Wait for me guys"

12. "I'm a lion, hear me roar!"

13. Benedict Cumbercat

14. Boyfriend tips from Rocky

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Songs and Quotes

A new habit of mine is to stumble upon a nice quote. Something really simple and then write it on my arm so it can be immortalized for a day. I don't ever look for these quotes, they usually just find me on facebook, a good book, or even in song lyrics. These quotes usually stand out, there's something about their simplicity that makes them so convoluted and I just love them. So here's a list, in no particular order, of some of my most recent favorite quotes. 

  • “It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.” 

I haven't read Paper Towns yet but I was on Buzzfeed reading some of John Green's quotes. While he personally isn't my favorite author, I am really excited to read Paper Towns because there is so much feeling and emotion in just the few snippets that I read.

  • "It might be a whole secret country...and you and I would be the rulers of it." 

In sixth grade Bridge to Terebithia was an assigned reading and I instantly fell in love with it. Leslie and I are similar in so many ways that I can't help but look at her as a source of inspiration. 

  • "I lose my feelings to oblivion"

This song is so beautiful and is one of my most favorite songs. This line though is just wow. It just such a far fetched idea to lose your feelings to oblivion. But the thing is it happens all the time and when it does you feel peaceful because even though you have 1001 worries in that moment you don't have to care. 

  • "Some people are worth melting for"
Frozen is my favorite movie. Obviously. But I just love Olaf so much. Other than the fact that he loves warm hugs (which are totes awesome!) he is just so innocent and sweet. Also he gives the perfect love advice all the time. Goes to show you that even though we live in a world where we are constantly over thinking sometimes to truly understand love you need to take a deep breath and think about it in a simple manner. 

  • "Say what you want to say and let the words fall out honestly I wanna see you be brave"

This song is just so amazing. It might seem simple if you're just listening to listen. But if you listen for the lyrics it has such a powerful message. Instead of keeping your thoughts to yourself, take a risk. Sometimes you just need to be brave and let other people know what you are thinking. 

  • If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.
Like I said life is about risks. Don't wait for the opportune moment because before you know it, it will pass before your eyes and you'd have lost the moment. Live life for now, not for what could possibly happen because we don't know what the future has in store for us but we do know what we have now. 

  • "You were my new dream"
So I just love the concept of Tangled. The whole theme is basically following your dreams no matter what life throws your way. Flynn and Rapunzel both state their dreams early on and both of them go to extremes to achieve what they set their mind to. Also there's Flynn's smolder

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Thanks a Latte!

There are a million and one under appreciated things in the world. Stuff that constantly demands attention, but we never give it a second thought. As humans we tend to take things for granted and forget to thank the small things in life. Well no more (or mostly no more). I want to start out by thanking something that plays a really important role in most of our lives.... coffee. 

Dear coffee, 
       I just want to thank you so much for everything that you do. You are a constant friend in my whirlwind of a life. Ever night I can go to sleep peacefully knowing that you will be there for me when I wake up. You don't even mind that my bed head or the fact that I'm so disoriented. In fact, instead of laughing at me, you act like a great friend and give me the energy that I need to take on the rest of my day. I mean seriously you're the bestest friend I could ask for. If I'm feeling a little spacey, all I need is one sip and I am ready to tackle on anything the world throws my way. Also it's amazing how we have this connection, it's like I don't even need words to describe my mood to you, you just understand how I"m feeling. If I'm tired you're there, if I'm sad you're there, if I'm happy you're there. Woah you kinda sound like a stalker. I'm just teasing! 
       Now that I got all of the technical thank yous out of the way, let's talk more about you. You are wonderfully fantastic. I may be a little biased because of your looks but hey! you are pretty damn sexy. I get the chills just thinking about how you are the perfect blend of amazing and awesomeness in one mouthwatering cup. Don't even get me started on your luscious aroma. If I had a nickel for every time I smelled something as alluring as you I'd have exactly one nickel. You are the most amazing thing that has ever entered my life. If anything I can say you fill the empty void in my heart that only high quality, delectable caffeine can fill. Also it's kinda cute how you are so willing to change. I mean people use you all the time to make romantic gestures and you don't even utter a single complaint. Instead you help them by making your frothy foam even more malleable. And it just makes you all the more amazing. 
        So I guess thanks again for being so wonderful all the time. I would say you work hard at your job, but we all know you're just naturally talented. 

“Adventure in life is good; consistency in coffee even better.” 
― Justina ChenNorth of Beautiful
(You should all totally read this book)

You're the bestest,
Yasha The Magnificent

Also in the process of writing this letter I've learned a lot more about coffee than I originally bargained for. Did you know that there are over 800 flavor characteristics for coffee. That is more than double the amount for wine! In Turkey, coffee used to be grounds for divorce (so lady's I guess you're out of luck if your husband forgets to give you coffee). 
This is what Hawaiian grown coffee looks like. Also Hawaii is the only state that commercially grows coffee. 
And coffee is actually a fruit! The beans are just the pit of the berry. 

There are two different kinds of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. Arabica is more popular around the world (70% of the coffee drank on Earth is Arabica) but Robusta beans have almost twice as much caffeine!
Coffee is also currently holds the title as #2 most traded commodity on Earth. The only thing that exceeds it is oil. Out of beverages it is amongst the most popular. The only other competition it has is water!

Yeah so coffee is pretty awesome! But so is a bunch of other stuff that we take for granted. I'll be writing more thank you letter over the next month, so if there is something you would like me to thank, comment it below :) As always

Te veo despues

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nostalgic Memory Box

So I really like sparkles. And glitter. And confetti. Like a lot, but apparently little me thought it would be a great idea to make a glitter explosion on my time capsule. Like seriously I was finding glitter everywhere for a while after I opened the thing. But going through all the papers I wrote made me realize that even though it's been 8 years (Woah!) my personality hasn't changed much.

"One goal that I have is not being friends with someone who does drugs"
I'm adorable. My biggest goal for seventh grade wasn't to get good grades or make new friends or something like that. It was to not make friends with anyone who does drugs. DARE was a big thing at my school okay. However for those of you wondering, I can proudly say I was able to fulfill that goal and even though I don't talk to them anymore I had some pretty awesome friends who loved to play neopets with me.

"I stole my computer so I can keep up with the news. Also so I can check the weather. Then I can keep my neopets account."
Speaking of Neopets, I guess I'd be taking a computer into my tomb so I can check the weather and keep my Neopets account. Not that I'm questioning you, but little me, why would I need to check the weather underground?

So little me, What would you do with hips like these?
I guess I would dance til I drop? Okay, but so you know these hips don't lie.

But I guess this is where some things don't change. I still draw babies like this. No it's not an ice cream cone it's a baby! Do ice cream cones have faces? I didn't think so. Case closed.

"Life without math would be chaos, no one would no how much money they have."
Ahh the good 'ol days. When math was still numbers. Life was so much easier then, when the only application for it was knowing how much money you have...

"I was the first person to get 53% because we only had 53 of them."
Actually maybe it wasn't so easy. But hey, who cares as long as you got a 53%. But on a more serious note this was one of my proudest moments in 5th grade. We were studying the prepositions and for the test we had to write them in alphabetical order. I was the only 5th grader who was able to do it perfectly!

I guess that little moment was what caused these adjectives to be my descriptors. I mean it was only fitting. I had my nose in a new book every other week and I always had the highest grade on the tests. I remember we'd have spelling pretests and if you got a 90% or higher (or something like that) you would keep that grade and you didn't have to take the actual test. Me being me would always get the highest pretest grade, but there was one day when another kid scored one point higher than me. Everyone freaked out so much that day because it was so like a world record or something!

So these were my favorite things. But what really popped out to me was the language that I used. Honestly the way I wrote and the words I used 8 years ago are still the same things I use now. But I don't kick the floor anymore. I think that was me trying to be cool. And failing. Like always.

"A best seller- New York Times
A phenomenon- Kirkus Review
Sold 5,000,000 copies in 2 days- Publisher's office
Everyone has it why don't you buy one today. 
Everyone asks me can I have an autograph please, please, please"
This is my personal favorite from my memory box. It showed me that even though I've grown up a lot over the last 8 years, I still have my giant ego. Although, and I say this with a sad heart, it's been 8 years and no one has actually asked me for my autograph. Oh well, I'm sure that will change soon.

But wow, going through all of these papers and stuff has just made me rethink my life. Everyone talks about how much you grow up with experience but I now I think differently. You definitely do grow up, but at the same time you don't grow up. Your mind will grow up to fit into new responsibilities that come with age but the part of you that defines who you are is in Neverland. That part won't change because it is what defines you as you :)  But that's just my take on life. Who knows 8 years from now I  might have a totally different opinion.

As little me used to say,

(yeah I totally need to work on the whole being cool thing)

Friday, March 7, 2014

A journey through hell and back

This is back story only read it if you're bored or actually care about my life. 

So today's been a really odd day and a super long one too. So it started out normal, like any other day I woke up and got ready and did my normal morning routine. But then during breakfast everything took a rapid turn in the wrong direction. For starters, the room that I usually sit in was closed because of break so I didn't know where else to sit and sat in a random table in the dining hall. Then some of the people I usually sit with (sorry I can't say names because I don't know if they'd be okay with it) and I had a very interesting conversation. Basically it was a discussion about our favorite three digit numbers, mine and someone's mutual like for being super precise about time, and a bunch of other random everyday Case stuff. Well after this is where things got stranger. So let me preface with the fact that I have been super stressed about midterms, housing, and a bunch of other random stuff so I was a little out of it early in the morning. Well anyways, so in my stressed, sleep deprived state, I decided that now would be the perfect time to go philosophical and contemplate lots of everyday things about life and we all know conversations like that don't always end well. Fast forward a couple hours, my chem exam is now over and I've finished lunch (which was actually not half bad). So I was going with another friend to help someone get to the train station with their luggage because she had a lot to carry and needed the extra help up the stairs. So on the way back I realize that I have to grab my shoes from one of the buildings before I leave for break.

PAY ATTENTION. This is where the real story happens!

So my friend and I need to get back into the buildings but we're on the backside and we believe that the only building we'll actually have access to is Sears or Nord. So we walk all the way to Sears and enter the building, which is really hot by the way and  walk into this passage way. So we see a giant circle thing on the wall and we comment on how it looks really cool and kind of mimics the clock that is placed in the top center of it. So as we're walking we see all of these research labs with warning signs that say: Warning: corrosive materials, lasers, and thermal hazard. So we're walking around trying to find our way out of there when I get distracted by some metal stuff. While this is happening my friend is looking the other way and she's like, "Yasha look it's the doorway to hell." BAM! The door was slammed right as she said it. But not before I got a glimpse into the room. It was emitting a fiery glow and there was all sorts of machinery everywhere. So after this we decide to take the stairs up a flight because the exit must obviously be there. So we go up to the next floor and then we use the sky walk to travel to the next building. We try using the elevator but the button wasn't working and then we decided just to use the stairwell. So we go down the stairs, in a different building, and when we open the door at the bottom of the stairs we end up exactly where we started off! Needless to say we were a little creeped out because the only logical explanation was that we were having an out of body experience.

Let me backtrack a little and explain the situation. So to get back to campus from the train station requires that we cross a road that has heavy traffic. Well it being rush hour and all, proved to make crossing the road a very difficult journey, and both of us could have lost our lives.

Back to the story. So we've come to the conclusion that we're having an out of body experience and we decide that the best line of action would be to go up to the third floor and try our luck there. So we take the stairs up two flights and we come to these nice little couches. My friend goes to sit down and I tell her that I'm going to look for a restroom in the building. So I turn a corner and I get out of sight and she yells my name. I don't respond for a few seconds and so she asks me if I've found the bathroom. My response to her was, "better, I've found the way out!" I hear some shuffling and before I know it the both of us are running out the doors yelling I'm free!!!

However our odd experience doesn't end here. We take the short cut through Strosacker, and in the lobby are 4 giant containers of hot chocolate and coffee. Does this even make sense? Why would you have hot chocolate on the hottest day of the winter? And to make matters worse the copy of the Athenian was only confirming our fears. The cover of the copy was covered in flames and the first page that I opened to talked about the Coffee House in Hell and the first page that my friend opened to was an article about Hades. So at this point we're more than a little worried and we realize that we haven't encountered a single person that we actually know. Everyone has been complete strangers.

So we grab my shoes and go back to the dorms. But we take the long way because hopefully we'll run into at least one person we know. Right? I mean what are the odds of not running into anyone? So we're walking and I see some people that I vaguely know but they don't even acknowledge that I am there. Needless to say, this only made our panic levels increase. So as we're nearing the dorms we see one of our other friends in the distance. We tell ourselves that he'll be the test of whether we are really alive or not. So as he approaches us and hasn't made any movement of recognition, my friend and I start panicking. Is it possible that we are really dead and completely invisible to the world??? To our joy, when he was about 5 feet away from us he started waving and said hi!

Words cannot even begin to describe how elated we were. Someone had actually acknowledged our presence and had proved that we were not having an out of body experience... anymore. Or were we? I don't really know. It is highly possible that we still haven't managed to escape from the hell we unintentionally created.

And this my friends, is the story of how I traveled through hell and hopefully back,

Au revoir
Yasha the Magnificent

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The bucket list

So this post is really late and it's because I was really hesitant to post it. I actually contemplated not even posting it at all because a bucket list should never be finished. As soon as you cross something out you should add something to the list. Also there is no way that this list is a comprehensive bucket list because I'm someone who will eventually have a bucket full of bucket lists, there's just so many things out there that I want to do at least once!

  1. Go visit a completely random location
  2. Go on a walk, at the beach, with no shoes. 
  3. Visit someplace with a waterfall. 
  4. Movie hop at the theater.
  5. Skydive
  6. Plant a tree ceremoniously
  7. Cut the inaugural red ribbon
  8. Carve my initials in a tree
  9. Bungee Jump.
  10. Parasail.
  11. Diving on a reef
  12. Go on a cruise
  13. Road trip (cross country?) with my friends
  14. Go geocaching
  15. Ride in a hot air balloon.  
  16. Dance in the snow/rain with a guy  
  17. Go ballroom dancing. 
  18. Play midnight tag/hide and go seek. 
  19. Go skiing/snow boarding. 
  20. Snorkeling! 
  21. Travel on a safari
  22. Watch a movie at a drive-in theater
  23. Crowd surf
  24. Make a clay pot and decorate it. 
  25. Learn how to surf
  26. Ride a swing on a tree
  27. Make a pizza from scratch (like even the dough)
  28. Vacation in Australia
    1. Visit the Great Barrier Reef
    2. Uluru- Ayers Rock
  29. Visit Machu Picchu 
  30. Swim in the ocean. Like actually swim not just goof off on the beach. 
  31. Build a treehouse
  32. Build a sofa fort!
  33. Go clubbing
  34. Make a penny wish in a well (not a fountain but a well)
  35. Just see an actual well
  36. White water raft
  37. Visit an actual castle
  38. Explore a rainforest
  39. Go to the Winterfest in Cleveland
  40. Go to a parade
  41. Be in a parade
  42. Write a love letter
  43. Receive a love letter
  44. Go on a picnic
  45. Visit the Botanical Gardens 
  46. Visit all of the museums in University Circle
  47. Attend a murder mystery dinner
  48. Send a message in a bottle
  49. Go camping
  50. Learn a random language and then talk to a stranger
  51. Learn Morse code
  52. Go to Comic-Con/ legitimately cosplay
  53. Finally watch all the classic movies (I know, I'm uncultured)
  54. Get a celebrity signed object
  55. Do the photo a day challenge
  56. Have an epic snowball fight
  57. Build an igloo/snow fort
  58. Go to a butterfly exhibit and have a butterfly land on me
  59. Hold a fancy bird (or a normal bird)
  60. Spontaneously decide to go on an adventure
  61. Play epic music while walking to class on a windy, snowy day (I will have an epic sojourn)
  62. Make a movie
  63. Randomly burst out into song and have someone join me
  64. Swing on a swing set while it is snowing 
  65. Go to a book signing 
  66. Stargaze
  67. Go grape stomping
  68. Make a rose rainbow
  69. Get a rainbow rose
  70. Eat a whole meal with chopsticks
  71. Yell off the top of a mountain (2014)
  72. Ride an elephant (2004)
  73. Visit the Taj Mahal (2010)
  74. Visit the Golden Temple (2010)
  75. Watch the Wagah Border Ceremony (2010)
  76. Synchronized dancing (flash mob style) (Harlem Shake 2013)
  77. Build and jump into a giant leaf pile (Fall 2013)
  78. Be crowned as a princess (2004, in Legoland and once again in 2013; Queen in 2014)
  79. Spend the day with a free hug sign (finals week 2013)
  80. Spend an entire day in Disneyland
    1. Get the autographs of every Princess (and every other character too) (Summer 2012)
  81. Do something crazy in front of a crowd (rapped to Nicki Minaj during open mic night) 
  82. Try something out of the blue that is completely random
    1. Poet (2010)
    2. Novelist (2012)
    3. Pick-up line artist (2013)
    4. Actress (2014)
    5. Blogger (2014)
  83. Give a fake name at a restaurant/fast food place (Denny's. I used: Voldemort, Primrose Everdeen, Gwen, Queen Elsa, you name it, I have possibly done it)
  84. Give motivational pep talks (Physics final 2013, wasn't even in the class)
  85. Urban Exploration (confidential 2013, but totally down to do more)
  86. Watch a movie in the lecture halls (2013)
  87. Build a floating lantern  (2012)
  88. Disney movie marathon (2013)
  89. Spontaneously ride the bus somewhere (today actually)
  90. Attend a masquerade ball (Snowball 2014)
  91. Explore a cave (Kartchner Caverns 2006)
  92. Have butterbeer (Yule ball, 2014)
  93. Motivate someone to make their own bucket list (2014)
  94. Revamp my old barbies (summer 2013)
  95. Decorate my own mug (spring 2014)
  96. Go on a blind date (spring 2014)
  97. Pull an all nighter (spring 2014)
  98. 5 am spontaneous McDonald's run (spring 2014)
  99. Go eat at an actual diner.(Spring 2014)
  100. Finger paint (I really miss finger painting okay) (spring 2014)
  101. Dress up and go on a fancy date (spring 2014)
  102. Go to the art museum (spring 2014)
  103. Spontaneous dance party (spring 2014)
  104. Go to an open air concert (spring 2014)
  105. Get a selfie with someone really important (Matt from Matt and Kim)
  106. Go to a concert (Hot Chelle Rae)

I'll end the list here, mainly because I could make this bucket list go on and on, but I've got to get back to studying :P 


Yasha the Magnificent

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Precious Priceless Potatoes

Unless you live under a rock (hey I don't judge, I love Patrick), you might have noticed the increased frequency with which people use the term potato. It has evolved into more than just a vegetable. It is life. Seriously if you just randomly bring it up during a conversation, no one will even question why or for what reason you brought it up. potato

I mean seriously nowadays a potato is definitely more that just food. It has become a standard of comparison. No longer are friends being compared to stars, balloons, or trees that will eventually be chopped down. Now the new standard for friendship is through potatoes. 
I guess you could also say potatoes are promoting cannibalism, but shhhh... 

Also the other thing about potatoes is that they are a great romantic gesture. I mean think about it wouldn't you much rather have a bouquet of potatoes on Valentine's day rather than flowers? You can actually use the potatoes for something instead of just getting flowers and watching them slowly and painfully wither and die...

I think that's enough said. Potatoes are awesome. Your friend's a potato. Your love life is a potato. You are a potato. 

Keep your eyes peeled,

Yasha the Magnificent!

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Gravity Awards-Whoops I mean the Oscars

So the Oscars were last night. Yeah it's a thing. It happened. Freaking Gravity took almost every single award that it was nominated for. Some of the acceptance speeches were amusing. Like the one with all the puns. It inspired my new favorite pick up line (*wink wink*): Hey I might not know much about gravity, but I am attracted to you ;) and  it caused lots of anger. At one point gloves and dead moss green socks* were thrown at the screen in anger of Gravity sweeping all of the awards. Well besides best actress, Cate Blanchett won that one and then went on and on and on ( and on and on and on...) during her acceptance speech. Seriously though, I think the only reason they let her talk for so long was seriously because everyone was sick of Gravity winning EVERY.SINGLE.FREAKING.AWARD!

 I can't talk much because I haven't personally watched the movie, but there were some other great competitors. Like Leonardo DiCaprio. Poor, poor Leo. He didn't win an Oscar, he didn't get to be in the celeb selfie, he didn't even get a slice of pizza... Like seriously, you should have seen his face when Ellen was giving the celebs pizzas, he was just like, "Umm.. Hello? Hey Ellen I think you forgot me over here! I want a slice too, no okay then...." My heart literally broke at how sad he looked, he was like a lost puppy who just wanted a snack but was brutally rejected by none other than Ellen DeGeneres.

And then she scared him! She freaking scared him by just randomly popping up behind him and Sandra Bullock! Look at his face. That is the face of one very terrified man. Seriously Ellen. What were you even thinking when you decided to scare the poor man?

Back to poor Leo though, the whole night he's probably like well at least this day couldn't get any worse, and then BAM! Nevermind... I guess I just proved myself wrong. Seriously, last night was not his night. He probably went home and cried himself to sleep :(

And then J Law (for those who don't speak celeb, that's Jennifer Lawrence) she tripped. Again... yeah, I think it might just be her own personal game. Let's see if I can get the world record for the greatest number of times tripping/falling at awards ceremonies! Yeah that's totally what she's doing. Don't judge. I don't see you wearing your necklace backwards (obscure Oscar humor,[don't worry about it, it's necessary for any serious blog]).

Well now that I've gotten through all the technical stuff that everyone's been buzzing about, let's get to the real news. FROZEN WON both best animated feature and best original song. And Idina Menzel sang, OMG!!! while her performance definitely wasn't her best (but cut her some slack, she has a Broadway show opening this week) it was still fantastic. Plus did you see the set. They made it all sparkly and then they had the chandelier from the ice palace! It was just too perfect and I'm not going to lie, it kind of made my night life!

Also the cutest moment ever at the Oscars was the acceptance speech made by Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez. Like seriously watch the acceptance speech, if it is not the most adorable acceptance speech you have heard, you sir (or madam) do not know what is life!

But yeah I think this is all I have to say about the Oscars. In all honestly there were probably a lot of other awards given out and a lot of other stuff probably happened too (I mean it was an awards show, kinda obvious don't you think?) but this was the really important stuff. So I mean while you don't know who won the best picture of the year (I'll help you out, it was 12 Years a Slave, and you didn't get to watch Brad Pitt eat pizza, at least you know that J Law fell again, Robert and Kristen Lopez are like the cutest couple in the world, and Ellen is amazing (but you already knew that). Also I know this post was uber long so if you stayed and read this far you are a fantabulous person and you deserve an Oscar just for that (sorry Leo)!

PS: So I may have totally pigged out while writing this post and I just want to give an update that Twix and tea tastes really delicious and you should all try it out. Also if you have any other odd food suggestions (other than popcorn and ice cream), comment down below and I'll give it a try.

*Dead moss green socks: I have socks. They have pairs....somewhere. I don't wear matching socks, EVER. It's not that I don't want to wear mismatched socks, I really want to have matching socks but it's a tough sock eat sock world that causes me to wear mismatching socks. Well anyways I was wearing socks and my friend said "ooh they're both shades of green" and I responded with "Yeah totally" even though one of them was really a brown sock.. but anyways, later he called me out on my brown sock and I had to explain that the shade of my sock was dead moss green, it's a little known crayola color just like these:

DISCLAIMER: no TVs were hurt in the making of this blog