Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mud and Apologies

Hey Everybody!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I could say that the reason I haven't been writing is because I've been extremely busy but the real reason is because I've had writer's block for the longest time. Usually I know exactly what I want to write when I have a topic but for the last week there's been a plethora of topics but I don't know what I want to talk about with them. Everything is like a grass field. When I start talking about it, it feels like it'll start getting greener. But then I actually start talking and it's really just a muddy spot on the ground. OOH! Speaking of mud....

I wish this was the mud that I was talking about, but nope.
The mud I'm talking about is even better it's the real deal filled with real worms.

You know the stuff that oozes between your feet when you step in it. The thing that squishes between your toes making you shiver with it's ooey goodness. The stuff that cakes your feet and leaves muddy footprints as you walk. Yep that's the stuff I'm talking about. The amazing gooey brown stuff that covers the grass in it's awesomeness. The home for worms and other little critters. The stuff that becomes super apparent after a nice rain shower. Mud is so amazingly awesome yet it is so underrated of all of nature's natural things.*

Want to hear some cool things about mud that I really bet you didn't know before? Of course you do. I mean if you didn't, you really wouldn't have read to this point anyways...

1. Mud is an Old English word that has been with us since at least 1400.

In case you didn't know that's a really long time. I had to use this really complicated device that does really hard calculations to determine that this means the word mud has been in use for more than 600 years! That's like 30 times older than I am... That's as old as Nicholas Flamel (I wonder if he had anything to do with this?)

2.  Playing in mud will make you happier

Scientifically proven somewhere somehow but honestly I can say with 100% conviction playing in the mud will make you a ton happier. Don't believe me? Go walk in some mud, there is no way you'll be unhappy

3. Volcanic mud is sold as a moisturizer for hair

One second I'll be right back. I'm gonna go buy by volcanic mud moisturizer so I can have the prettiest hair of all mud monsters. 

***commercial interlude***

4. Walking barefoot in the mud is quite possibly the best experience you can have
I love walking in the mud and having it squish between you toes. The feeling is indescribable, its so icky yet at the same time it's mesmerizing. It feels so gross but at the same time it feels like childhood memories. It doesn't feel like I'm stepping on earth, it feels like I'm a time traveler going through the memories of mud cakes, mud fights, searching for earthworms, thunderstorms, just everything. 

5. This is a mudpuppy
This is still a mudpuppy. Mudpuppies are not the lovechild of mud and a puppy. It's kind of impossible because mud isn't really an animate object therefore it is physically incapable of reproducing... But yeah I don't really know what a mudpuppy is, it's here because it has mud in the name. I'm assuming that it probably spontaneously combusts into mud at some point like a phoenix or something and it's muddy ashes look like a puppy. 

*I don't really have a better word for this....

1 comment:

  1. I’ve had one, he was fascinating to watch him go through his changes, or metamorphosis? I went to the local pet store for some algae eaters, what my sons referred to as sucker cleaners for our bigger tanks, we had tanks in every room. The algae eaters made the cleaning process easier, less messy, and they were a link in the circle of life. Fun + Educational.
    The mudpuppy was a pleasant surprise, like the toy in a box of Cracker Jacks.
    As we observed his changes, he became the funnest educational critter we ever had... trying to purchase more became the hardest part, the pet shop had no clue of what he even was, they’d never heard of them, they don’t sell them and had no idea of where or how I might be able to purchase another. That was 25 +/- years ago. And we still haven’t found any. So sad ��.
