Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Years!!!

So I haven't written in a really really long time and I'm sorry for that. This past year has been, as cliche as it is, a roller coaster. There were lots of times when I felt like I was floating on cloud nine and then there were times I felt like I was plummeting back to earth at a million miles per hour. But overall it was a good year. Yet at the same time, after a few days of major self evaluation, I have come up with some New Years "resolutions" as well. I put them in quotes because I say resolution because I don't really have another name for them. Like yeah they're things I want to change about my life, which is basically a resolution, but I don't want them to just be for this next year or I guess more realistically for the next week. I want to actually work harder this year which admittedly is what everyone says but that's why I've generalized my statements (besides the ones that are specific) [also guys I'm tired, I should be writing this later but I'm too awake to sleep but too sleepy to write. This is also why I don't stay up all night doing my homework because nothing good happens after 2am].

2015 "Resolutions"

Yeah I know they're not the most well thought out sentences and they're a little choppy but I'm tired and it's not the sentence it's the idea behind it that's important.

  1. Maintain a clean room for longer than the duration of a skype call to my parents 
  2. Push myself harder and be more disciplined 
  3. Stand up for myself more (I know I'm good at talking but when it comes to what my opinions on stuff are I take the more passive route and if I sense an argument I tend to just float away)
  4. Blog at least once a month if not more
  5. Let the world fill me with wonder (this last semester coming back has been such a been there, done that. I'm going to find new things to do this year and get rid of this feeling once and for all)
  6. Do fun stuff (not that I already don't, but I want to do more fun stuff)

Stuff that should be completed by 2015

  1. I want to be able to whistle by the end of the year
  2. I need to blow a bubble gum bubble
  3. I need to be able to moo like a cow
  4. Perfect my roar
  5. I have to stop pretending to be animals
  6. Go on more adventures
  7. Go on a donut run (well walk)
  8. Do decade months (this seems like a cool idea that I just made up, it would be fun to have a day dedicated to a decade and then do decade-y stuff on that day like an 80s themed aerobic dance workout)
  9. Have the most epic 21st birthday bash
  10. Do more painting
  11. Binge watch for more than 3 hours
  12. Finally get myself a crown (like one that glitters and is big)
  13. Make my own star globe
  14. Random dance party every month!!!
  15. Cross off stuff from my bucket list

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